Friday, January 18, 2008


Sometimes you see things and they make you want to write.
And it's never really promised that your heart will grant articulation.

You're guaranteed feeling and thinking and hopes.
You're never, ever going to be guaranteed the opportunity or ability to express such, or that any of them will really be worth what they'll get you in to.

I'd rather drive a tank than fall in love,
To explode is better than be silenced.
To fail is better than to miss out.
To break is better than to crack.
To kill is lesser than to flourish, but how often in life are the risks worth the possibilities?

I'm feeling optimistic,
more than likely out of feeling
equally lovey-dovey.
I'm thinking in terms of forever,
more than likely out of thinking
equally about a certain someone.
I'm hoping for the best,
more than likely out of hoping
equally for a good weekend.

it could mess up,
end in a month rather than eternity,
and be filled with further "inclament weather";
the kind only found in the clouds of your mind
that your heart won't provide a lining to.

Sometimes you see people and they make you want to fall in love.
And it's never really promised that their heart will grant entrance.
But when it does, it's worth the risks.

I'd rather be scared than never have fallen in love with him.

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