Saturday, January 12, 2008

I admit I never was the perfect one.

I'm exhausted.

I'd give anything to have someone show up randomly at my work with one of those.

I love them, and I need one today.

I don't have time to grab one on the way to work.


My life is becoming a whirl wind

but I am stuck with tunnel-vision.

The light at the end is in the form of everything I want

and the means it'll take to achieve.

I give little regard for others and what

I could be doing for them in the time that I'm

striving for my own, personal goals.

I try to make it better by saying that I don't ask for much, that the things I want don't hurt others.

But does it help them? Probably not, not always.

Second semester leaves more time for being a good person.

Which in itself is relative and opionated.

I have one thing sturdy, rock solid, ready to catch me when the ground decides it wants to wrap it's arms around me. But what if I'm selfish with this, too?

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