Friday, February 1, 2008

nothing like a stomach ache for all the right reasons.

"Hunter, what on earth are you doing?"
"I'm catching snowflakes!"
"I don't see snowflakes."
"That's why you're the grown up!"


pretty brown eyes; soft blond hair. smooth skin and constantly chapped lips that are always curled in the biggest of smiles. greets me at the door with hugs and climbs up on my back to be whisked around the kitchen in a whirl of giggles. sits on the counter while i make him his lunch, always asking to help out. cuts me out snowflakes and colors me dinosaurs, hides on my lap when the other three are ganging up on him. cries when he falls and always lets me make it better; looks to me when he's not quite sure where to go. whines openly, forgives freely, and renews my faith every day.

makes me want something of my own, maybe.

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