Saturday, February 2, 2008


I wish I lived in Virginia.
I could attend ODU with out it being out-of-state.

I miss the way it looks in April.
I love the look of the grass and the crunch of the leaves, and how if you go right you can hit the beach. If you go left, you can get lost in a city, and if you simply weave forward for a little bit then you can relax in the coziness of a town barely large enough for an elementary school.

The people smile, wave, and spend their lunch breaks cleaning up highways when it's Earth Day. They greet with hugs in the middle of the street and stop traffic to encourage a squirrel to continue through the light.

It doesn't matter if it's what you were looking for; when you go, you fall in love.

Everyone else I know spent the national "pot day" making fools of themselves.
I spent it dancing with my best friends, four bands, zero food, gallons of water, twenty bucks, and having the time of our life.

Greensboro is suffocating.

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